Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the projects

So i've had a couple of interesting lifes since the last post. On saturlife we went to the eastern idaho state fair. Talk about some interesting people. There was this one chick that at first I thought her arm was in a sling for some sort of injury. nope, turns out she was just dressed really slutty. go figure. Then came HYPNODAWG! His accent was cool but i saw right through his shenanigins. At one point he convinces the people he hypnotized that they couldn't see him and that there were ghosts on stage. He then walks around with a rubber chicken as if it is floating around and they all get scared. Give me a break. Its all smoke and mirrors if you will. I've done this trick to my nephews hundreds of times. First you hold out the chicken, make some dumb noise(either a woooooh noise or you talk like a priate) and then while they are looking at the chicken you slap them in the face real hard! makes them cry everytime.
Sunday was the opening day of the NFL season. Usually i go to bed that night all warm and fuzzy but this year was different. I cried myself to sleep over Tom Brady. What can I say that sucked. but I'm still excited for the season and fantasy football 08. I did make a bonehead move not starting Mcnabb but i gave everyone a freebie and now will start beating them like the little girls they are and enjoy watching them cry about it. And if that doesn't happen I'll pull out the ol rubber chicken trick. Either way they will cry.
Also Ford and I have decided to move into the projects of rexburg. It is straight up d-town r-burg man. while were looking at the apartment we heard gunshots. no joke! But it was probaly just the thai people downstairs killing animals for their resturant. what ev. tune in next time for another life in the day of thome!


Brittany said...

thome. you have a blog.


this is beautiful.

Sara Birch said...

The Weezer song Dreamin' fits you perfectly.

Harpski said...

Hypnodawg was a major let down. Remember that mexican guy that sang before "hypnodog."