Monday, December 15, 2008

Duck Tales

So my good friend Shannee reminded me of a funny experience I had a couple years ago. It was a summer day in 2006. Hawaiian Steve, Harry Steve, Jumangi and I are were out driving around looking for apartments since we had to be out of ours the next day. So of course this was the first time we spent looking for one. We had embarked a couple hours earlier on our quest for living arrangements but had wasted time as usual. We made the usual stops at Horkleys, a eating establishment and were on our way to our FHE sisters apartment to waste some more time. So as we are driving down first west towards the stadium we see this duck run across the road. We all look at each other for a split second and then realize what it is we have to do. Capture this duck and make it our pet. We quickly pull over and by this time the duck is in the parking lot of the stadium. The Steve's and Jumangi quickly surround it but the duck lunges at Hawaiian Steve and he leaps out of the way to protect himself. Before I know it its just me and this crazed duck. I step in front of him but he hits the X button on his X-Box controller and spins away from me. Now he is running under all the parked cars on the side of the street. I run ahead hoping to cut him off. I turn thinking I am far enough ahead of him but we bump into each other. He heads for the street. During this whole chase the only thought in my head is "I'm going to have a pet duck! I am going to have a pet duck!" I can tell by the look in his eyes that all he is thinking is "I'm going to be a pet duck! I am going to be a pet duck!" He runs into traffic, I know what will happen. I yell for him to stop but he doesn't understand me since I don't speak French. The car's front tire misses him but the rear tire hits its mark. The sound of this can only be described as a pillow full of feathers and pretzels getting smashed. We all freeze and look at each other. A possible three seconds pass before we all bust into uncontrolled laughter. That just happened.
A week passed and we skated past the scene. All that was left were feathers ground into the pavement. We couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible, but hey if he would have come peacefully it could have been avoided. And that was a day in the life of Thome, circa 2006


Unknown said...

THOME!!! HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?!?!?!? YOU ARE A MURDERER!!!!!!! A DUCK MURDERER!!!!!!!!!!! uhg, i am devastated. my heart is broken. that poor duck. i am so disappointed in you. i hate you.

Amy said...

Lol lol lol lol lol.
I miss you already, Tom.

Vickie said...

lol. I've heard this story before but this time it was much much funnier. The pillow pretzel part was my least favorite...=/

Myke said...

C'mon Tori, it was the duck's fault. If he would've just come quietly he'd still be alive today, and much better off than before as Thome's dear pet.

Thome said...

You know my friends little sister call me killer thome becasue of this incident but I maintain that I did nothing wrong. Really this is Darwinism at its finest because this duck could not fly. It was doomed to die sooner rather than later. I tried to intervene and give it a chance and the Darwin gods would have nothing to do with it. It was just its tyme.(myke, like how i spelled time with a y. that was for you)

Leah said...

i want a pet duck.

Myke said...

Thank you Thome, that means so much to me. Thank you.

Shannee Christiansen said...

Let's just remember that my sisters call you Killer Thome because not only did you kill a duck, but an innocent fish and a fluffy bunny.

Thome said...

oh you want to go there do you Shannee? First off I was returning the fish to its natual habitat cause it hated that little bowl. Sencond, I had to finish off the bunny cause you shot it in the face and didn't kill it. So both were not my fault. But lets not talk about Bambi